CS180 Images of the Russian Empire


In this project, I automatically colorized historical photographs from Sergei Prokudin-Gorskii's collection. I processed glass plate negatives that contained three separate exposures of each scene, taken through different color filters. I separated each input image into three equal parts representing the blue, green, and red channels.

My main technical challenge was to precisely align the green and red channels to the blue channel reference using an x,y translation model. I achieved this alignment using image matching metrics such as L2 norm or Normalized Cross-Correlation, and recorded the displacement vectors for each alignment.

Unaligned Cathedral

I initially divided the image into three, each representing the blue, green, and red channels respectively (from top to bottom).

After dividing them, I sought to align them and produce a color photograph.

Unaligned Cathedral

Initial Approach - Simple Stack

First, I tried to see what would happen if I just divided the image in thirds, and stack them on top of each other.

The result, clearly, was not pretty.

Simple Stack Cathedral

Alternative Approach

Seeing this simple approach fail, I sought a different approach.

First, I used the circular_shift function to align the channels. This method shifts an image by a given offset along the vertical and horizontal axes, and enables us to test different alignments.

To measure the alignment quality quantitatively, I used the compute_ssd function to calculate sum of squared differences between the reference channel and the shifted target channel. Lower SSD values imply better alignment.

Then, I use the align_channels method to carry out a brute-fore search over a given range of shifts performed on the target channel. For every shift in this range, I calculate the SSD, and eventually choose the shift with the lowest SSD value.

For large images (i.e. the .tif files), a brute force becomes super expensive and would take a long time to run. To address this, I implemented the pyramid_align method. In this method, we create an image pyramid that is made up of progressively smaller images, each downsampled from the previous one by a factor of 2. The pyramid method aligns the images at the smallest scale, where the search space is minimal. I then refine this shift at higher resolutions by upscaling the shift.

To build this image pyramid manually, I've written the manual_downsample and manual_upsample methods, which decreases/increases the image size.

Finally, the proess_image method carries out this entire process. It reads the image, divides it into three channels, and crops each channel to remove edges (default factor of 5%). The green and red channels are aligned to the blue channel using the pyramid alignment method. Finally, I stack these aligned channels to form the output image, which is saved and displayed.


Below are the results of my algorithm on the provided example images, along with the calculated offsets for each channel:


Aligned Cathedral

Green channel shift: (5, 2)
Red channel shift: (12, 3)


Aligned Monastery

Green channel shift: (-3, 2)
Red channel shift: (3, 2)


Aligned Tobolsk

Green channel shift: (3, 3)
Red channel shift: (6, 3)


Aligned Church

Green channel shift: (25, 4)
Red channel shift: (58, -4)


Aligned Icon

Green channel shift: (41, 17)
Red channel shift: (89, 23)


Aligned Harvesters

Green channel shift: (59, 16)
Red channel shift: (124, 13)


Aligned Lady

Green channel shift: (51, 9)
Red channel shift: (111, 12)


Aligned Melons

Green channel shift: (81, 10)
Red channel shift: (178, 13)

Onion Church

Aligned Onion Church

Green channel shift: (51, 26)
Red channel shift: (108, 36)


Aligned Sculpture

Green channel shift: (33, -11)
Red channel shift: (140, -27)

Self Portrait

Aligned Self Portrait

Green channel shift: (78, 29)
Red channel shift: (176, 37)

Three Generations

Aligned Three Generations

Green channel shift: (53, 14)
Red channel shift: (112, 11)


Aligned Train

Green channel shift: (42, 5)
Red channel shift: (87, 32)

Emir (Failed Alignment)

Aligned Emir

Green channel shift: (49, 24)
Red channel shift: (93, -305)

Unlike the other images, it was difficult to align the Emirs. This was because there were significant brightness differences across the channels.

Emir (original)

Unaligned Emir

As you can see here, the darkness/brightness of the Emir's cloak varies greatly across the channels. In the top-most chanel, the Emir's cloak is very bright (white). In the bottom-most channel, the cloak is very dark (almost black). This difference made it difficult to apply the algorithm nicely.

Other Images

Here are some other images from the collection that I applied my algorithm to:


Aligned Castle

Green channel shift: (25, 11)
Red channel shift: (90, 26)


Aligned Cross

Green channel shift: (67, -7)
Red channel shift: (142, -19)


Aligned Railroad

Green channel shift: (44, 12)
Red channel shift: (96, 15)